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October 03, 2022 4 min read

Modern Cat Tree for Your Home

Our little furry feline friends, no doubt, add so much joy and comfort to our home and lives. Providing your cat with a safe space to explore, climb, lounge around on and even have a snooze in, is a great way to make their lives more exciting and comfortable. A cat tree is also an excellent way to make your furniture stay scratch free and promotes our cats' healthy exercise. But how do we choose one? And what is there to consider? 

There are also a few things to look for no matter what type of cat tree you choose. The first is a claw-friendly surface for your cat to grip, whether it’s sisal, rattan, plush or wood. And of course consider the size restraints within your home when making a decision and if possible sit it near a window so they can watch the busy world go by, as they like to do. We have plenty of cat tree options available to you, depending on yours and your cat's style. Some cat trees are a big investment, so you want to make sure your choice stands the test of time.

Our soft plush cat trees are basically a luxurious 5-star private condo and are completely covered in a 100% natural sisal rope that wraps around a post for better grip and easy climbing. Ever seen a movie where the cat gets stuck in the tree and the whole fire department has to come out and rescue the kitten from plummeting to the ground? Well, you won’t have to worry about that happening to your cat, because this material feels much like tree bark does, so they won’t have the need to go outside and find the nearest tree to climb.

The plush cat trees are also extremely stable and perfectly fit in, along with the furniture.The CATTREE-1931, in the shade, light blue is 119cm in height with a 48cm base, while also being very easy to transport due to its weight being only 8kg.


CATTREE-755175 is a little bit larger in size at 172cm high, 134cm wide and weighs 21kg. This cat tree also contains two space capsules made of transparent material and made in a neutral coloured plush material to suit any furniture within your home. 



Our wooden cat tree range is our largest range of cat trees, offering a secure spot away with some peace and quiet. These cat trees also promote a host of opportunities for healthy exercise like scratching and climbing. You have plenty of options to choose from, some being fairly simple and others, you could almost call a mansion for cats. Our shortest cat trees are CATTREE-7957 and CATTREE-8206, ranging from 61.5cm to 71cm. They feature plenty of room for your kittens to sleep in and sisal rope around the posts for scratching. 

SKU: CATTREE-7957                            SKU: CATTREE-8206

Our large wooden cat trees, again featuring the sisal rope around the posts for scratching and playing on. Most of large wooden cat trees feature a transparent compartment for your cat to curl up in. They also contain a small wooden box used for snoozing and taking their much needed midday nap, which you will find with all contain several different shapes to keep your cat intrigued. These cat trees pretty much have a full playground with perches for jumping, hammocks for swinging and dangling toys for swatting. Wooden trees will also hold up better overtime compared to a plush material that will begin to show obvious scratches over time and are also slightly heavier, making it that bit more durable than a plush option.

SKU:  CATTREE-8848                        
























SKU:  CATTREE-750552

Rattanis a type of material also used on cat trees and contains a substantial amount of different solid timber vines, like bamboo. It’s a high-end, non-toxic material that your cats are going to love. Also featuring a large cat bed for their daily naps and multiple scratching posts to keep your furniture scratch-free and just the way you originally bought it. You shouldn't have to compromise your furniture to keep your furry beloved friend around. 

These cat trees are quite tall, ranging from 146cm to 160cm with a large base. These products are also slightly heavier, again making it a lot more sturdy and guaranteeing your cats safety. 

 SKU:  CATTREE-D11                                   SKU: CATTREE-O13

Our pets are not just animals - they are our best friends and family members, and that's why we ensure all of our cat tree products are human-grade and beyond comfortable and pet-friendly.